Migrating to QuillField

To convert a field used as a TextField or CharField to a QuillField, the following operations are required.

Suppose you had a model that looked like this.

# Assuming this is the model you created in the posts app
class NonQuillPost(models.Model):
    content = models.TextField()
  1. Convert existing data into a format suitable for QuillField using django command.

    ❗️USE WITH CAUTION❗️This command permanently transforms the contents of that field in the DB.

    # Usage: python manage.py convert_to_quill {app_name} {model_name} {field_name}
    > python manage.py convert_to_quill posts NonQuillPost content
  2. Change existing field to QuillField.

    from django_quill.fields import QuillField
    class NonQuillPost(models.Model):
        content = QuillField()
  3. Create a migration.

    > python manage.py makemigrations
    Migrations for 'posts':
        - Alter field content on nonquillpost
  4. Apply the migration.

    > python manage.py migrate
    Operations to perform:
      Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, posts, sessions
    Running migrations:
      Applying posts.0002_alter_nonquillpost_content... OK